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Festa Templária 2021 - Tomar

Tomar hosts on the 9th, 10th and 11th of July 2021, another edition of the Templar Festival. Recreations, visits, seminars, camps, markets, competitions, among other activities, will evoke the history, legends, secrets and myths of the richest and most powerful medieval institution, the Order of the Templars. For Tomar, the Templars are more than a symbol, they represent its genesis. Take awaits you!

09 de June de 2021, Wednesday
11 de June de 2021, Friday



Turismo Festa Templaria
Av. Dr. Cândido Madureira 531, 2300-531 Tomar turismo@cm-tomar.pt
festatemplaria@cm-tomar.pt, 249 329 823
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ADIRN IPT Câmara Municipal de Tomar